작성일 : 18-05-17 21:04
Mother, mother, my mother
 글쓴이 : 이훈구
조회 : 1,153  

At the age of 96, my mother was transferred to a rehabilitation hospital in January 2018. 

Prior to then, she was healthy without any previous hospitalizations while living with my brother and sister in Daegu. 

In January 2018, she was hospitalized for two weeks with a severe cough and backache. Deconditioned after the hospitalization, she was transferred to a rehabilitation hospital. 

On December 30, 2017, I bought plane tickets to Korea for April 9-25, 2018. 

However, after hearing that my mother was ill and experiencing memory loss, I debated if I should change my plane tickets to an earlier date. 

My brother insisted that I should keep my original plan, so I decided not to change the plane tickets, but I started praying fervently. 

I desperately prayed to God to keep my mother healthy until I could visit her in Korea. Also, I prayed that God would take my mother into His arms comfortably without any physical suffering. 

The latter part was difficult for me to pray about. I prayed that I trusted in God's plan, but that I would be extremely thankful if God could please answer my prayers. 

I prayed that I would be ever so thankful if God would wait to take my mother while I was visiting her in Korea.  

I left for Korea on April 9th and arrived at my brother's house in Daegu after 26 hours of traveling.  

The next morning, I visited my mother at the rehabilitation hospital.  

I visited her two more times, but she thought I was my brother and she could not recognize me as Hoon Ku, her youngest son.  

During the fourth visit, she was able to recognize me as her youngest son and called me by my name. 

Then she asked about her granddaughters and grandson, and we prayed and sang hymnals together. 

After that visit, I told her that I will come back to visit her again and she asked me if I was going back to the U.S.   

I told her that I am not going back yet and that I will visit her again very soon.  

During the fifth visit, my mother was sleeping peacefully, so I just sat by her side without waking her up.  

After knowing that her youngest son had finally come by her side, my mother went to be by God's side, leaving this earth peacefully in her sleep at 11:50pm on April 17, 2018. 

My mother passed away exactly at the mid-point of my two week stay in Korea. 

My mother who waited a long time for her youngest son's return 

My mother who went to heaven just three days after seeing her youngest son 

My mother who went to heaven peacefully in her sleep on a warm spring day

My mother who accepted Christ as her savior at age 30 and lived a faithful life

My mother who left the biggest inheritance for her children by passing down her faith in Christ

My mother who is now worshiping in joy by God's side and will continue to pray for her children in heaven

My mother who can no longer answer me when I call out mother, mother, mother

My mother who was and remains in a very special place in my heart

My mother who always encouraged me and supported me to live a faithful life 

Mother, mother, my mother. I love you dearly. Thank you. 

I miss you so dearly, but you will always have a special place in my heart.   

We were able to have my mother's funeral with five different worship services. 

We were blessed by many people from my mother's church and my brother and sisters' churches. 

Three days after the funeral, I visited my mother's grave one last time and returned to the U.S on April 25th as originally planned.

Praise God for answering all of my prayers regarding my mother and praise God for guiding us to have the funeral with so many blessings. 

God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving. I was able to experience God's providence in my own life.  

Father, Father, my Father. I sincerely thank you. 

Thank you for everything.

Thank you for allowing me to experience your power and love.

Thank you, Father. I praise your name. 

Father, I will love you for eternity. 

I sincerely pray and hope that I can do works that will please you and glorify your name. 

Thank you for bringing peace and joy into my heart. 

Thank you, Father. 

Hoon Ku Lee
May 8, 2018



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